Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cauldron Goulash

Cauldron goulash (Slovak style)

Perfect for blue-eyed warriors and their side-kicks whilst on their journeys through the coutryside. While the goulash is bubbling away over the fire in its cauldron, there is plenty of time to jump in the hot tub or nearest lake for some fishing or to explore a near-by cave.

Prepare fire and hang your pot or cauldron over it. Make sure you have plenty of extra firewood prepared.

Ingredients (6-8 people or two hungry warriors)
1 kilo meat (pork, beef or venison)
1 kilo of onions
1 jar of lečo (pronounced lecho) (300 ml) ( a ready-made mixture of tomatoes, peppers and onion. If this is not available just add some extra chopped peppers)
6 cloves of garlic
1 apple
2 carrots
1 kilo of potatoes
paprika (hot and sweet varieties)
hot chili peppers
small tin of tomato puree or ketchup

1. First chop onions fairly small and fry them in plenty of plain vegetable oil in a large pot until golden.
2. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the onions, give them a stir for a couple of minutes then drop in the meat which has been chopped into smallish pieces. This mixture now needs to cook vigorously until it is swimming in juices. Don't add any salt at this point or the meat will toughen.
3. Now add your liquid. Water, wine or beer - the amount you add will depend on how thick you want your goulash to end up. For a thick one, pour in just enough liquid to cover the meat.
4. Leave the pot uncovered, boiling gently for 45 minutes.
5. Cut into cubes the carrots and potatoes and add them to the pot, along with a jar of lečo and salt.Add herbs and spices. Marjoram is a traditional addition, and lots of paprika. Add ketchup.
6. In another hour or less, the goulash should be done; the vegetables and meat soft to the bite, the sauce thick and fragrant. Serve with thick slices of bread and enjoy the sunset.

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